Elmuttaqi Ismail and Black History Month

Elmuttaqi Ismail at the Apollo theatre.

Elmuttaqi Ismail, a Black American working in the tech field, passionately believes in the importance of observing Black History Month. For him, this annual observance is more than a reflection on the past; it’s a vital recognition of the ongoing contributions and challenges faced by Black individuals in America. As a professional in an industry…… Continue reading Elmuttaqi Ismail and Black History Month

Elmuttaqi Ismail Growing Up In Brooklyn

Elmuttaqi Ismail: A Journey from Brooklyn to Atlanta Elmuttaqi Ismail’s story begins in Birmingham, Alabama, where he was born. However, his memories of Birmingham are virtually nonexistent, as his family relocated to Brooklyn, New York, before he even turned a year old. This move marked the beginning of his lifelong connection to Brooklyn, a borough…… Continue reading Elmuttaqi Ismail Growing Up In Brooklyn